February 16, 2010 in Taweez

Taweez for Illness and Job.

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Assalam O Alaykum Every One . Many people request Roohani Ijaz to share Taweezat for job and success. Today Roohani Ijaz presents a taweez for success and taweez for job for those people who are jobless.
This Taweez can also be very useful for the treatment of disease or illness.
How to Use This Taweez:
Use this Naqsh (Table in which numbers are written) and put it into water and use that water for the patient for 3 days. After 3 days change the Naqsh(Table in which numbers are written) and put new naqsh in water and again give it to patient.
Other Benefits :
This is a taweez for success and the major benefit of this taweez is ease in the getting a job or succcess in business if put it on you arm in a form of package . Also this is useful for goodwill of home and your shop or business if you keep it on mentioned places.



  1. April 24, 2010 at 4:51 am



    plzz help me

    give me some taweez for shadi of my sister there are difficulties for her to get marriage due to my father plz give me some taweez that my father get agree to marry her

  2. March 22, 2010 at 8:35 am



    @khalid Aleem

    as told in above lines just print out this naqsh and use it for writing by your self take a ijazat by email or phone so the procedure wil be given to you.

    yes this naqsh can b placed in plot.

    pls avoid personal quest. here. for that u may mail.

  3. March 22, 2010 at 4:07 am

    Khaid Aleem


    Please clarify: Naqash Start from 50,64,60 57 and Second line 51,56,51,63 and so on. Can I write first naqash by ink pen and drop into the glass of water. Suppose First Naqash is 50 write by ink pen in a paper and drop it into water and use it for three days by droping of fresh water in a glass each time and on each day and so on, and next naqash is 64. Naqash 64 write with ink pen in the paper and drop it in the glass of water and drink it for 03 days and so on. Did you mean of that, Please clarify.Moreover I wrote you about my plot which is not selling in the market Can I keep the above naqash which was sent to me through email. I write it in the plain paper and keep it with me or I take print out of this naqash. Which is correct. I also ask you for rishta of my daughter please give me any naqash.

    Thanks for your prompt reply. May God Bless You.

    Khalid Aleem

  4. March 11, 2010 at 6:15 am



    when any one want to make a taweez this by self so take a ijazat by mail or phone otherwise you can only print out this taveez n use it.

  5. March 7, 2010 at 5:39 am



    Hunzala ..yess you can make it …it is permitted that you can make it …

  6. March 4, 2010 at 6:15 pm



    Walaikum Asalam

    Can anyone make this Taveez??? and is there any time to make it???

  7. February 26, 2010 at 9:51 am

    Junaid khan



    Go Ahead

  8. February 22, 2010 at 12:46 pm



    i need more taveezat and wazaaif ..plzzz .jazak-Allah

  9. February 22, 2010 at 12:40 pm



    ahaan waalaykum salam
    janab thank you
    this taweez will surely help me.

  10. February 22, 2010 at 12:38 pm



    waalaykum salam
    thank you very much .
    i was in need of this taweez.

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