Javed Chaudhry Columns: Khirki Kay Patton Par Dastak Deta Waqt
Selected : Express News [25 November, 2011] Javed Chaudhry Columns: Khirki Kay Patton Par Dastak Deta Waqt

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Column:Kamar Ka Dard, Lazmi Fori Tor Par Ilaj Ki Zaroorat Part I
Selected: Jang News [19 December, 2011] Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Column:Kamar Ka Dard, Lazmi Fori Tor Par Ilaj Ki Zaroorat Part I

Javed Chaudhary Column:Eleven Second Kay Faslay Pay
Selected: Javed Chaudhary Column:Eleven Second Kay Faslay Pay

Hadith( Urdu) About Friday( Namaz-e-Juma) Prayer Preparation
Fazail-E-Juma|Hadith( Urdu) About Friday( Namaz-e-Juma) Prayer Preparation This is a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Muslim about Friday(Namaz-e- Juma) Prayer preparation. May Allah give us the s ...

Masnoon Duain: Dua For Staying Away From Cowardliness & Laziness
Masnoon Duain: Dua For Staying Away From Cowardliness & Laziness Roohani Ijaz presents you another Masnoon Dua to protect yourself from laziness and cowardliness. If you want to stay away from co ...

Masnoon Duain: Dunya Aor Akhirat Kay Gham Ki Doori Kay Liye Dua
Masnoon Duain: Dunya Aor Akhirat Kay Gham Ki Doori Kay Liye Dua Please read this Masnoon Dua for every pain of this world and world hereafter.

Hadith( Urdu) About Teachings of The Holy Quran
This is a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad( PBUH) by Tirmzi about those people who don't practice the teachings of The Holy Quran in their life and only read The Holy Quran to show off people. May Allah pro ...

Hadith( Urdu) About Helping Others in Misery
This is a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) by Ibn-e- Majah about taking care of one muslim brother in the time of misery and pain. ( Hadith in Urdu by Roohani Ijaz)

Hadith( Urdu) About Shukar of Allah
This is Hadith in urdu about "Shukar of Allah" after eating food and drinking water. We all must thank our dear Allah after enjoying gifts given by him.