August 18, 2010 in Roohani Wazaaif

Wazifa for Job| Get Your Dream Job Now

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Situation of Jobs in Pakistan| Wazifa for Jobs

Situation of jobs in Pakistan is getting worst and worst everyday. Finding jobs in Pakistan has become difficult due to global economic crisis. Roohani Ijaz presents a very useful Wazifa for job. We hope that this Wazifa will help you in finding your dream job.

Please read this wazifa after Fajar or Isha prayer 313 times till 21 days before and after 11 times Darood e Pak.

During this you will get InshAllah good job/rizq.

P.S. Permitted to All, now you dont need to take permission separately only for this Wazifa .



Some Useful Websites To Find Jobs In Pakistan

Besides this Wazifa for job, you have to keep applying for jobs. Here are some useful websites to find jobs in Pakistan. We hope that this effort from Roohani Ijaz will be a handy resource for you to find your dream job in Pakistan.



  1. May 28, 2011 at 7:30 pm



    assalam o alaikum sir

    sir i read this wazifa one month before. and i still not find job.
    i am very upset. sir please tell me what will i do that allah will be
    complete my wish. and i get job.

    1. June 9, 2011 at 7:04 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      walaikum salam
      ok u can continue it

  2. May 28, 2011 at 7:44 am



    A0A…..mjhai job k liye yeh wazifa parhnay ki ijazat chahiye….Kia me yeh wazifa parh sakhta hn..???

  3. May 27, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    ismat saira


    kay may ya parh sakti hoon

    1. June 9, 2011 at 6:49 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      @ismat saira
      ijazat ha ker lain

  4. May 27, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    uzma effat


    aslamu alikum
    kaya main job k leay ye wazefa kar sakti hon .

  5. May 27, 2011 at 12:57 am



    I am looking for wazifa for my husband to get him a good job. I am in Canada and my husband moved from Toronto to Alberta for a good islamic atmosphere and looking for a higher paying job so he can get a place there to live and then he’ll call us there. Please help me out as We want to finish all our debts and find a good place to live and a good job. we moved there so our kids can go to islamic school and be a good muslim. Plz tell me some wazifa which can solve all our problems and can get my husband a good job and rizq-e-halal. InshAllah.
    Thanx for reading this

    1. June 9, 2011 at 6:48 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      @Rabia Umar
      ok u can do this for job and even u can do “wazifa for fulfilling desired wish”

  6. May 26, 2011 at 7:11 am



    Assalam 0 Alaikum….
    Mjhai 1.5 saal se nokri nahi mil rahi..interview buhat saaray hua par job nahi mil rahi..yeh wazifa parhnay ki ijazat hai…???

    1. June 9, 2011 at 6:42 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      walaikum salam

      ijazat ha ker lain wazifa

  7. May 25, 2011 at 4:48 am



    salam sir m job ki waja se bhut persehan ho meri job jald lag jaie m yah wazifa kar sakta ho

    1. June 9, 2011 at 6:37 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      ijazat ha

  8. May 24, 2011 at 1:07 pm



    Assalamu Alaikum.
    I am jobless now and in great difficulty. I need your permission to do this wazaif. Also pls. pray for me.

    1. June 9, 2011 at 6:34 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      walaikum salam
      ijazat ha

  9. May 24, 2011 at 12:39 am



    asslam yelekum
    sir m job ki waja se bhut parshan ho yeh wazifa parhne se meri job jald lag jaie ge
    wazifa karne ki ijazat ha thanks

    1. June 8, 2011 at 3:22 pm

      Roohani Ijaz


      walaikum salam
      ijazat ha

  10. May 23, 2011 at 4:08 pm



    i m waitinggggggg……………….

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